
They want you drunk and high…….

After you have your battle with your addictions things get more clear for you. You go to feeling good about yourself and your new outlook on life. Now here’s one of the things to look out for while you Jump Thru Darkness to get your life right. Some people will make you feel like being sober and clean is wrong. Like you crossed a line in their eyes that they can’t stand. Jump Thru Darkness and understand some want you in your addictions because they feel your addictions make them better than you. But even with your addictions moving slowly behind you feel okay don’t reach for great. Just Jump Thru The Darkness for your Sobriety and go your own way just being okay. Understand all those things and hateful feelings you might get from other’s mean nothing as long as you clean and sober and on your way….JTD


Swimming While Drowning (Alcoholism)

When we drink are we really drowning while learning to swim in darkness? Does it mean we really don’t like things if we need a drink to feel good or enjoy something. Are we truly empty without a drink or is it the emptiness of the alcohol in our systems that make us feel that way. Many of us might feel like that fish that hates water but won’t or can’t live without it. At least that’s what our alcoholic nature tells our drunk minds. When you start your adventure into sobriety Jump Thru Darkness and know that it’s like swimming while drowning. At first you will struggle but soon you will get the hang of it. Then when you get your hands and feet to move right you see land. That’s your sobriety my friend…….JTD



We spend our whole lives reaching for more. We spend our whole lives reaching for better. Its funny how when we’re really doing good, we really don’t know if we’re doing better. Your addictions will have you feeling like you are walking on clouds. When you are really laying on the ground. To Jump Thru Darkness, you must climb to reach new levels in life, and sobriety. The trick to sobriety is to climb to reach the top, but with addictions you will soon learn that your climb to the top leads you to the ground, where other people stories starts. Because climbing to the top in sobriety, doesn’t mean you reached the top, you sobered up, now society says, while looking down on you, get up, because your climb in life can finally start because your climb from addictions is done….JTD


Jerico’s Addictions

Addictions can cover you like the walls of a building. When becoming sober and clean you must tend to one wall at a time. As the southern wall seems to be covered in your addictive flames. The northern walls crumbles all names in the game. The western walls try to hold you but are there to break the powers that be’s chains. The eastern walls needed something to do so they always game. But to Jump Thru Darkness you will notice they all stand and fight the same. Addictions by any means ain’t the game to play. Slowly but surely over time everything and way shall end in the game. Hopefully leaving you sober and clean as we all ride away……JTD


When That You Falls…

When that you falls it seems you let yourself down. Lost your job and your car. Your lover say you drink to much. You tell your lover you don’t drink enough. Mad at everyone in the check cashing line. Whispering to yourself where mine. Then you remember showing u to work drunk. Right from the club talking about at least I ain’t late. Jump Thru Darkness and take A look around the next time your drink. If you in A crowd how many of them have jobs. If you alone and you getting drunk. remember to set the clock if no one calls. Cause no one will be there to help when that you falls….JTD


Stop Telling Old Stories Of Your Addictions…

You might not notice when you start. But you can often find yourself talking about your old ways to much. You know them I use to drink way more than you ever will talks. Back in my day I could drink all night and still make it to work. Or passing by your old stomping ground and telling your friends, kids, wife, other girlfriend or just yourself about how drunk you use to be. Truth is them old stories are trying to lead you to a drink. So Jump Thru Darkness and speak of the future you and how better you want to be. Cause them old stories can lead you back the other way….JTD


Don’t Let Pain Take Your Sobriety….

Some pain can’t be helped no matter how many doctors you go too. Things like nerve pain, cancer pain, and diabetic pain can all be overwhelming for anyone. You can find yourself taking to many pain pills and medicine to cure it all. Then when all those things fail you might find yourself thinking that drugs or alcohol can ease the pain. Understand nothing tests your sobriety like pain. The pain that has you turning over and over in bed every night. Trying to make it through the day on one or two hours of pain free sleep can make you wanna drink. But Jump Thru Darkness and hold on to yourself. Now I am not saying it’s easy. But with all you got don’t let pain take your sobriety….JTD


Just A Day

When the medication for your pain doesn’t work and you say to yourself maybe a drink or something to smoke can ease the pain. Don’t do it just say it’s Just A Day. Your mental health is being pushed past your darkest inner demons and you feel you about to lose your peaceful sound mind. Don’t give in to the uneven balance of your thoughts and feelings. Don’t spend your time trying to figure out a un-solving way to coup. What you must say is it’s Just A Day. Your sobriety will be tested in every way. Just Jump Thru Darkness and remember when tested it’s Just A Day that ends before a New Day. So hold on to your sobriety through it all cause truth is it’s Just A Day…..JTD


Addictions Teach And Not Over Preach …

It’s easy to say that you are someone else’s hero. Only thing is does that person really need a hero. Is that person in need of saving or is that person in need of some addiction education. Preaching to someone who knows whats wrong can become a lost cause. But teaching someone how to handle whats wrong can make them applause. Addictions are something you have to almost study to learn how to achieve sobriety. Like a walk down an empty alley it can be scary for some and home for others. So trying to been a hero to someone that feels they are in heaven when they are in their addictions can be pointless. So Jump Thru Darkness and try to teach and not over preach….JTD


You Build A Boat, But Even The Riders Aren’t Grateful To Not Drown…

Everyone called you a drunk and a addict your whole life. You come home from a meeting and you tell them you got nine months clean and anyway is just one of the words they say. You make it to work on time but the boss still takes time out to smell your breathe. Funny how they don’t tell you about the people of no true gratefulness. Cause in our addiction every night we are happy to give the law someone to catch. Some would say if you want to truly see the devils in your life get sober and clean. As you hold your head down “well hell I didn’t even do all that and I was always drunk and high” is what you’ll say to yourself. But you felt getting your sobriety would ease the troubled minds of family and friends. But they never get past the one thing you may or may not have did. Truth is they maybe mad cause your story didn’t end but newly began. So Jump Thru Darkness and understand that even as you build your boat of sobriety. The people along for the ride might not be grateful even if you the one keeping them from drowning……JTD


Standing On The Line…

Holding on to the last hope of right. Not remembering actions from any night. While every one surrounds saying every action isn’t right. Understanding of all seems dark as night. Listening to people standing in the same line talk about your life. If you Jump Thru Darkness you may notice many fall from the line. Thinking being better than you will give them balance. But hold on to whatever is helping you no matter. When it comes to a better chance let Sobriety in for a change. Now nothing in life will really change so don’t play no games. But you will be able to handle life better and be fine. As you hold on like the rest of us while standing on the line……JTD


The Bottle Told Me…

When I’m sober I trust every word you say. When I’m drunk the wisdom of my bottle leads the way. Honestly my bottle told me to rip the words from your face. My bottle said you seem to never be able to tell the truth anyway. I asked if you were cheating and you said you was gay. I asked if you liked pink and you said yeah the other way. To drunk to try to solve your word games, so I let my bottle lead the way. For a moment I did try to Jump Thru Darkness and wonder if my drinking had me feeling that way. You would have won until out the corner of my eye I saw the smirk on your face. Now i’m trying to explain to the judge how you got glass from the bottle in your face. And when the judge asked how I started feeling that way. All I could say is well the bottle told me…….JTD


Accept, Except (Sobriety)…

Can it rain without a cloud? You often fish all day giving fish free worms with no return. Even an hair cut starts to grow the minute you put the clippers down. All theses things you seem to accept. And when it comes to your life things seem golden except for your addictions. Yeah you accept that your pants are the wrong color and that’s fine except they are too small for you. Yes you accept the fact that you are an addict. Except the next words out your mouth is always you can handle it. You find it easy to accept the hand you have been dealt. Except you sitting at a lonely table playing with addictions by yourself. Jump Thru Darkness and don’t accept your addictive faith. Cause all ways addiction will fail you leaving nothing left except sobriety……JTD


Today Begin With Sobriety…

When you play cards you pick the best partner when you start the game. When you date you try to pick the best out of whats available to love. When in your addictions you pick the best drinks and the best drugs. So when it comes to your sobriety will you pick the best options for you. Or will you pick the worst card player. Maybe you will pick the worst lover standing outside of any club or store and take them home. You might buy all the drinks and drugs with no labels or good smell. Instead of a good apartment you call your friends couch home. When it rains you do get to wash the clothes you have on. How you go play your game? Without sobriety and Jumping Thru Darkness you playing like a hobo on a runaway train. But if you wanna win and listen to me. Today begin with Sobriety……JTD


Remember To Cheer For Yourself….

What’s good old friend it’s been a minute. Seems addictions changed us. But respect and love is something we will always have left. Addictions can have you feeling like no one cares, but no matter sitting beside you or many cities away. Always hoping that we both Jump Thru Darkness is the thought of everyday. So as you begin or continue your addiction fight. Remember to cheer for yourself cause i’ll also be cheering for our sobriety alright…….JTD


If Being Sober & Clean Is Hard For You, Your Everyday Life Must Be Hell…….

Being sober seems to take all your fun away. Being clean seems to run your soul away. You only see life with clear eyes about two hours a day. You like to get refilled when your kids go to play. You have even started to enjoy being high and drunk alone when your lover is away. Don’t have to ask how you felt yesterday because drunk and high is how you feel everyday. Are you running from the overwhelming truth of life day to day? Try Jumping Thru Darkness and trying to find away at least once a week to live sober and clean for real. Cause if being sober and clean is hard for you, your everyday life must be hell…..JTD


Are You Really Sober ?…

The key to all things in sobriety is effort. But many confuse effort with side cuts. Instead of buying liquor they buy the grocery store shelf wine and say there isn’t any alcohol in it. Instead of smoking weed they buy cigars with liquor in it and say its clean smoke. So all this leads me to ask are you really sober. Or is it just another way to hide the addictions going on in your life. Jump Thru Darkness and ask yourself are you really sober. Cause a short cut doesn’t stay hidden for long. Then when you back in your addictions all you will be able to do is hold your sad head down,,,,,,,JTD


What’s Your Reason For Becoming Sober And Clean…

Every stitch has a hitch. Every magician has a trick. Every paw has a claw. And every eye saw what it saw. But what of your meanings for the reasoning. What reason is it for you to get Sober and Clean. If you say you met somebody good then look left. If you say cause you tired of everyone being on your case look right. If you say cause the people in the church and the shelter require it look down. Now Jump Thru Darkness and understand your reasoning is all about others and not about yourself. You must do it for you and only you my friend. Then you can look straight as your new life of sobriety begins…JTD


Self Made Wounds

We will fight against anything or anyone that hurts us. We march and pray against any and everything that threatens to harm our way. Trouble has trouble if it doesn’t see things in a certain way. Yet with all these things we try to make juice from rotten fruit. We then still will look into the mirror of hurt and can’t help ourselves. So Jump Thru Darkness and when you look into the mirror remember it’s about saving you. Saving you from your addictions and the self made wounds…..JTD


Feel Your Way Down The Road Of Addictions

Sobriety isn’t easy to find, obtain, or even maintain. Sobriety takes work each and everyday. Much like a relationship that always need watering. Without the right amount of water you could end up with weeds instead of roses. No one should ever take sobriety for a fun ride in the park between brief moments of soberness. Each time you feel less higher or drunk than before and always needing more. So Jump Thru Darkness and stop trying to speed up sobriety road. Cause you may find your hopefulness of becoming sober and clean just a last ditch dream. So don’t just read this hear this and listen. Feel your way down the road of addictions….